COVID-19 Support

At Simon Says we know this is a difficult time for many as we come to terms with the new “normal”.  Our support groups are currently suspended but we are still here to help.  Our support line is operating as usual, if you don’t get an answer immediately please leave your name and number and one of the team will call you back.

In addition we are sending out regular newsletters (1) offering support and activities you can do at home.  Please do follow us on Facebook (2) for additional updates and other activities.

Please know that you are not alone, we are here to support you and your family and look forward to meeting you in person and welcoming you to our support groups in the future.  Take care of yourselves and be safe. #SupportingTheYoungThroughBereavement

  1. Click here to subscribe to our newsletters. You can sign up to them and receive activities you can do at home together.

  2. Click here to link to our Facebook page.

  3. Click here to download our Charter for Bereavement in Isolation

  4. Click here to download our Bereavement Policy.

  5. Here are some helpful links:





Contact Us

We're not around right now but send us an email or leave a phone number & we will get back asap.

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