How do I let new people I meet know about the death?

How long should you be friends until you share this news? How do you bring it into a conversation? These are all worries you may have, and they are normal worries.  Starting a new school or job can be daunting but it can also be considered as a fresh start.  It can be a chance for you to take back control, you can decide when, how and who you share the news that someone important to you has died, you might choose to tell a few new friends or you might not want to tell anyone.  Instead focus on being yourself; enjoy being able to introduce you, your likes, your strengths, your passions…the things that truly define you rather than being defined and known as the person whose ‘dad/mum/sibling…’ died.

Do not feel under any pressure, instead try waiting until you know the person well and you want to share the news, they ask about your family and you are ready to tell them or it naturally comes up in conversation.

It may help to make sure your new school/college/work place is aware and you know who is the best adult and the safe place to go to if you need to talk to about things.

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