What if I forget them, what they look like, sound like and smell like?
It can sometimes be hard to remember the “details” of a loved one that we no longer see. And it is normal to do that, after all we only have so much room in our heads!
Photos, videos and memory boxes can help with these details but many people find that the most important things to remember are the things that they have done together and how they felt when they were with them. Those are things you won’t be able to forget. There are things you can do to help you capture those memories so you don’t forget and they will act as props to bring those memories to the forefront of your mind.
What if I forget them, what they look like, sound like and smell like?2020-10-282020-11-04https://www.simonsays.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/simon-says-with-tagline-and-support-number.pngSimonSayshttps://www.simonsays.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/simon-says-with-tagline-and-support-number.png200px200px