Here for Professionals
1 in 25 children will experience the death of a parent or sibling during their school years.
School is one of the most stable places in a child’s life and how bereavement is handled there can make a big difference to their lives.
It can be difficult for teachers and staff in schools to support a bereaved child, they may feel uncomfortable and feel that they don’t have the skills necessary, or even be worried that they could make the situation worse.
With information and resources Simon Says can equip those that work in schools to help children cope with their feelings while holding on to memories of the person who has died.
We can also support you in educating the wider school community about the topic of loss, grief and bereavement helping break down the barriers around this ‘taboo’ subject and create a supportive environment amongst peers.
We support schools in Hampshire, including Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council by offering –
A Telephone Support Line
Advice and Guidance to staff on individual cases
Training and Workshops
Assemblies and Lesson Plans
Advice and Guidance to staff on individual cases
Help setting up your own school bereavement support group
Support writing a school bereavement policy
Links in to our monthly support groups
Useful information and resources for school professionals supporting bereaved children
Bereavement Policy and Bereavement Guidelines for Schools
‘Every 22 minutes a parent of a child dies that’s around 23,600 bereaved children each year. Almost one in every class. Many more are bereaved of a grandparent, sibling, friend, teacher or other significant person in their life’.
It is almost inevitable therefore, that at some time any school will have to deal with a death that impacts the whole school community. Death is something that we do not like to think about, so when we are faced with it, we often find ourselves underprepared. These guidelines are intended to be used to assist you in creating your own bereavement policy which is relevant for your educational setting. You may want incorporate all or part of this document. Please feel free to adapt it to suit your unique needs.
Download guide here
‘Let’s Learn About Mental Health’ Project
It comprises of a unit of 6 lesson plans designed to encourage pupils to talk about, and improve their understanding of mental health, anxiety, depression, self-harm and bereavement. Pupils will learn: how to recognise issues with mental health or bereavement, preventative steps to take, strategies to manage the ‘big feelings’, the importance of talking about it, how and where to seek appropriate support.
Each lesson builds on the previous one so they should be delivered in order.
The lesson plans and resources for each lesson are provided in print and PDF format, and includes additional teaching support and further information in the form of sign-posting to external resources and advice services, references, PSHE Objectives and Cross-Curriculum links.
Download guide here.
Nursery & Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage Plans & Resources
A series of 6 lesson plans and resources which help children explore the concept of death in an age appropriate way; exploring the natural world and what makes something dead or alive, looking at the role of our emergency services, thinking about things that make us happy and sad, memories, funerals and saying goodbye…..
Download zip file here
Coffins Presentation
An introduction to coffins, what are they made from, what do they look like, what do they tell us about the person inside?
Download guide here
Emotions Presentation
A sorting activity to help young children recognise and name emotions.
Download guide here
Simon says Toolbox – Talking About Death
A practical guide which includes everything you need to support children and care givers talk about death and dying in your nursery or pre-school setting.
Download guide here
Key Stage One & Two
Suitable for KS1
Coffins Presentation
An introduction to coffins, what are they made from, what do they look like, what do they tell us about the person inside?
Download guide here
Suitable for KS1 & 2
Lifespans Presentation
A look at lifespans of different species and humans, exploring the fact that everything living is born and will die but our lifespan in between is our story to be written.
Download guide here
Suitable for KS2
Key Stage 2 Lesson Ideas
These ideas are designed to act as prompts to introducing the topic of bereavement and grief to children in an age-appropriate way. Children of this age are inquisitive and learn through exploring the world around them which provides adults with the opportunity to ask open ended questions to challenge and develop their thoughts.
Download guide here
Suitable for KS2
Life Story Book
A resource to support the lesson: Death is Normal and Natural. A workbook for children to record their life story, including chapters such as ‘when I was born’, ‘about me now’, ‘my life so far’, my hopes and dreams…
Download guide here
Contact Us
Key Stage Three & Four