Information for Schools and Colleges

1 in 25 children will experience the death of a parent or sibling during their school years.

School is one of the most stable places in a child’s life and how bereavement is handled there can make a big difference to their lives.

It can be difficult for teachers and staff in schools to support a bereaved child, they may feel uncomforta­ble and feel that they don’t have the skills necessary, or even be worried that they could make the situation worse.

With information and resources Simon Says can equip those that work in schools to help children cope with their feelings while holding on to memories of the person who has died.

We can also support you in educating the wider school community about the topic of loss, grief and bereavement helping break down the barriers around this ‘taboo’ subject and create a supportive environment  amongst peers.

We support schools in Hampshire, including Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council by offering –

  • A Telephone Support Line

  • Advice and Guidance to staff on individual cases

  • Training and Workshops

  • Presentations

  • Assemblies and Lesson Plans

  • Resources

  • Advice and Guidance to staff on individual cases

  • Help setting up your own school bereavement support group

  • Support writing a school bereavement policy

  • Links in to our monthly support groups

Request Information by contacting us HERE

You can download our Bereavement Policy & Bereavement Guidelines HERE.

These guidelines are intended to be used to assist you in creating your own bereavement policy which is relevant for your educational setting.



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