Listed on this page are suggested child bereavement books to help with pre-bereavement, bereavement for children and young people and books for teachers and professionals.
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Someone I love is sick by Kathleen McCue : 2-6 year olds
What About Me : When Brothers and Sisters get sick by Allan Peterkin : 2-6 year olds
Gentle Willow by Joyce Mills : 2-6 year olds
Grandma by Jessica Shepherd : 4-7 year olds
My Brother and Me by Sarah Courtauld : 4-10 year olds
Sometimes by Rebecca Elliott : 5-8 year olds
As Big as it Gets by Julie Stokes : 5-10 year olds
The Secret C by Julie Stokes : 6-10 year olds
Flamingo Dream by Donna Jo Napoli : 6-11 year olds
Because Someone I love has cancer : Kids activity book : by Terri Ades : 6-12 year olds
Help me Say goodbye by Janis Silverman : Janis Silverman : 11-14 years
My Parent has cancer and it really sucks by Maya & Marc Silva : 12-18 years
Honey Bear Died by Jennifer E Melvin
Always and forever by Debi Gliori and Alan Burant
Goodbye Mousie by Robie H Harris
The Elephant in the room by Amanda Edwards and Leslie Ponciano
How do people with Autism, grieve, and how to help by Deborah Lipsky
Missing Mummy by Rebecca Cobb
We Were Gonna Have A Baby But We Had An Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert
Remembering Lucy by Sarah Helton
Is Daddy Coming Back in a Minute by Elke & Alex Barber
Fred by Posy Simmonds
The Sunshine Cat by Miriam Moss
Are you sad Little Bear by Rachel Rivett
Badger’s Parting Gift by Susan Varl
Sad isn’t Bad by Michaelene Mundy
A birthday present for Daniel by Juliet Rothman
What on earth do you do when someone dies? by Trevor Romain
When Uncle Bob Died by Althea
Molly’s Rosebush by Janice Cohn
We Were Gonna Have A Baby But We Had An Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert
When your grandparent dies by Victoria Ryan
Who moved my cheese? For kids by Spencer Johnson, M.D and Christian Johnson
How do people with Autism, grieve, and how to help by Deborah Lipsky
When Dinosaurs Die (a guide to understanding) by Laurie Krasnyed
The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers
The Scar by Charlotte Moundlic
Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine by Diana Crossley
Beyond the Rough Rock (supporting a child who has been bereaved through suicide) by Winston’s Wish
The Elephant in the room by Amanda Edwards & Leslie Ponciano
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
My Daddy is My Superhero by Michaelagh Broadbent
Death What’s Happening by Karen Bryan-Mole
Lifetimes by Bryan Mellonie
Milly’s Bug Nut by Jill Janney
When Someone very special dies by Marge Heegaard
Children also grieve by Linda Goldman
Molly’s Rosebush by Janice Cohn
Love Will Never Die: helping a child through bereavement by Clare Shaw
After A Murder: a workbook for grieving kids by The Dougy Center
Her Mother’s Face by Roddy Doyle
The Frog Ballet by Amanda McCardie
How do people with Autism, grieve, and how to help by Deborah Lipsky
Beyond the Rough Rock (supporting a child who has been bereaved through suicide) by Winston’s Wish
Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers by Earl Groltman
The Charlie Barber Treatment by Carole Lloyd
The Lost boy’s Appreciation Society by Alan Gibbons
The Spying Game by Michael Smith
Two Weeks with the Queen by Morris Gleitzman
Vicky Angel by Jacqueline Wilson
You just don’t understand: Supporting bereaved teenagers by Winston’s Wish
Hope beyond the headlines: Supporting a child bereaved through murder or manslaughter by Winston’s Wish
How do people with Autism grieve and how to help: An insider handbook by Deborah Lipsky
My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher
The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and their Friends by Helen Fitzgerald
When a Friend Dies by Marilyn Gootman
Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens by Alan Wolfelt
Beyond the Rough Rock (supporting a child who has been bereaved through suicide) by Winston’s Wish
Good Grief : Exploring Feelings, Loss & Death with Under 11s by Barbara Ward
Grief in Children by Atle Dyregrove
Remembering Lucy by Sarah Helton
Giving Sorrow Words by Steve Killick
Saying Goodbye to Greg : KS1 & KS2 by Christine Chapman
The Little Book of Bereavement for Schools by Ian Gilbert
You just don’t understand: supporting bereaved teenagers by Winston’s Wish
Hope beyond the headlines: supporting a child bereaved through murder or manslaughter by Winston’s Wish
Effective Grief and Bereavement Support by Kari Dyregrov
How do people with Autism grieve and how to help: An insider handbook by Deborah Lipsky
Journeying through bereavement in schools by Ian Terry
Helping Children Think about bereavement by Heather Butler
Beyond the Rough Rock (supporting a child who has been bereaved through suicide) by Winston’s Wish
Finding your own way to grief (A practical, informative and sensitive workbook that encourages constructive expression of grief for those children and adolescents who have Autism Spectrum Disorder) by Karla Helbert